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Annual Plan

That's only $4.92 / month.
  • Automatically track your entire financial life in Google Sheets.

  • Link bank accounts, credit cards, investments, loans, and more.

  • Build your own spreadsheets with the help of powerful templates.

  • Receive automatic spending and balance updates every day.

  • Responsive and friendly support.

Frequently asked questions

How often will my spreadsheets update with new transactions?

Sheetsync updates your spreadsheet with new spending and transactions multiple times each the day. Account balances are updated daily.

Can Sheetsync link with my specific financial account?

Probably. Sheetsync uses Plaid to securely connect to 12,000+ financial institutions worldwide, from the smallest local credit unions to the biggest multinational banks. The best way to find out if your specific bank is compatible is to start a free trial.

Is my financial information private and secure?

The privacy and security of your data is incredibly important. Sheetsync never sees your bank credentials, sells your data, or serves ads, and we never view your transaction info without your expressed permission. Learn more about our commitment to your privacy.

What if my question hasn't been answered?

Contact us via email and we'll be happy to answer all your questions!

Start your free trial today.

Sheetsync is only $59 / year. That's just $4.92 / month.

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Built in College Station, Texas.

© 2020 Sheetsync, LLC. All rights reserved.